Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The update...

Being back in singapore... i found a job almost straight after.. THANK GOD!

WOrked at SMRT Corp for 6weeks as an Executive HR, then did another one week at another depratment as a clerk. Then now...i'm finished..and done with working part time...

another chapter looms (if theres such a word, i'm lazy to look at the dictionary to see what it means, however it feels like a word i want to use.) deciding about the future... the next few days..the next few weeks the next few months...the next few years...the next few decades....its all about choice and decisions...

Surely, theres more to just picking and choosing... I realise that i have a choice... and i thank God for the freedom to choose...the freedom to be able to say and do it... God provides no joke about it...

I know He cares and listens and knows and sees my every moment word...thought... and cries...
However, i'm still human and need constant chidling( another word i think should be used here) from whoever and whatever... BUT ... because i've always been given the freedom to choose... i realise my level of understanding or acceptance towards certain advise seems to fall on hard ground (unwillingness, or maybe deaf ears) BUT ...BUT... but i have learnt to accept ..i've learnt to listen... i've learnt to understand and hear it out before i pass the fiery judgement of mine.. WHy i do that i dont know...but we get to choose at the end of the day ...

and the choices right now... are... choices... that might be for the long term...
can i hang in there? can i commit? can i stay... can i grow roots?

All dependant on God...
All dependant on GOd...
All dependant on GOD...